Sabado, Disyembre 3, 2011

Philippines struggles with AIDS


MANILA, Philippines—The Philippines is struggling to deal with a worsening HIV-AIDS problem, with far too little money being spent on reversing a steady rise in infection rates, health experts warn.

The government will have to prioritize its funding to concentrate on helping the most at-risk communities as it faces a budget shortfall of up to $370 million over the next five years, Department of Health Assistant Secretary Eric Tayag said.

“If we only have so much, we have to prioritize the scope of our programs, choosing the target populations, choosing the specific areas,” Tayag told Agence France-Presse.
“It is a race against time because the more cases there are, the more different kinds of financial support are needed in the long run.”
But the Philippines is one of only seven countries listed by UNAIDS (the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) to have suffered rising infection rates in 2010.

Personal view:
This HIV/AIDS will really give Philippines a big problem. As we all know Philippine economy shrinks that make Filipino feel how poor they are. Filipinos are asking for development to escape poverty. But with this aids problem Filipinos will not only struggle for poverty but also in the caution of aids and the horror of the lack of budget.
In this problem, government should really focus in ways on how to solve this problem. They should create programs to give people awareness of this sickness and give more funds to this foreseeable big problem.